Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2024
Generated 01-Feb-2024 05:23 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2024
Total Hits 269212
Total Files 137811
Total Pages 265455
Total Visits 3160
Total KBytes 19166381
Total Unique Sites 1658
Total Unique URLs 596
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 361 814
Hits per Day 8684 11298
Files per Day 4445 6286
Pages per Day 8563 11217
Sites per Day 53 140
Visits per Day 101 154
KBytes per Day 618270 1403726
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 51.19% 137811
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 6
Code 302 - Found 48.26% 129920
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.09% 250
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 6
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 8
Code 404 - Not Found 0.45% 1210

Daily usage for January 2024

Daily Statistics for January 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 5102 1.90% 2245 1.63% 4859 1.83% 142 4.49% 140 8.44% 340664 1.78%
2 5931 2.20% 2282 1.66% 5726 2.16% 99 3.13% 93 5.61% 811935 4.24%
3 6240 2.32% 3106 2.25% 6156 2.32% 154 4.87% 108 6.51% 363151 1.89%
4 7479 2.78% 4368 3.17% 7389 2.78% 116 3.67% 111 6.69% 418572 2.18%
5 8837 3.28% 4550 3.30% 8745 3.29% 97 3.07% 80 4.83% 441962 2.31%
6 8446 3.14% 4834 3.51% 8133 3.06% 101 3.20% 78 4.70% 1403726 7.32%
7 9791 3.64% 5171 3.75% 9707 3.66% 137 4.34% 76 4.58% 513724 2.68%
8 8077 3.00% 4249 3.08% 8017 3.02% 114 3.61% 60 3.62% 377522 1.97%
9 8874 3.30% 4452 3.23% 8726 3.29% 105 3.32% 109 6.57% 577580 3.01%
10 8204 3.05% 4650 3.37% 8125 3.06% 133 4.21% 108 6.51% 454429 2.37%
11 8931 3.32% 4565 3.31% 8837 3.33% 118 3.73% 89 5.37% 502213 2.62%
12 8664 3.22% 3784 2.75% 8436 3.18% 124 3.92% 111 6.69% 864851 4.51%
13 7638 2.84% 4001 2.90% 7539 2.84% 98 3.10% 119 7.18% 493550 2.58%
14 7109 2.64% 3347 2.43% 7050 2.66% 71 2.25% 66 3.98% 370524 1.93%
15 7690 2.86% 3489 2.53% 7440 2.80% 101 3.20% 88 5.31% 843336 4.40%
16 7239 2.69% 3107 2.25% 7144 2.69% 106 3.35% 90 5.43% 357446 1.86%
17 7746 2.88% 3399 2.47% 7615 2.87% 94 2.97% 118 7.12% 456589 2.38%
18 9202 3.42% 4750 3.45% 9096 3.43% 105 3.32% 103 6.21% 532941 2.78%
19 11258 4.18% 6201 4.50% 11151 4.20% 116 3.67% 95 5.73% 645993 3.37%
20 11298 4.20% 6286 4.56% 11217 4.23% 125 3.96% 90 5.43% 643705 3.36%
21 9767 3.63% 5604 4.07% 9557 3.60% 99 3.13% 86 5.19% 1091761 5.70%
22 9599 3.57% 5537 4.02% 9542 3.59% 135 4.27% 100 6.03% 579197 3.02%
23 10061 3.74% 5522 4.01% 10010 3.77% 149 4.72% 99 5.97% 567148 2.96%
24 10006 3.72% 4476 3.25% 9956 3.75% 92 2.91% 81 4.89% 443938 2.32%
25 7785 2.89% 3915 2.84% 7598 2.86% 106 3.35% 96 5.79% 919694 4.80%
26 9909 3.68% 5048 3.66% 9867 3.72% 92 2.91% 73 4.40% 537647 2.81%
27 11112 4.13% 5665 4.11% 10948 4.12% 124 3.92% 107 6.45% 1097264 5.72%
28 9901 3.68% 5048 3.66% 9821 3.70% 101 3.20% 78 4.70% 591007 3.08%
29 9595 3.56% 5030 3.65% 9525 3.59% 125 3.96% 82 4.95% 574849 3.00%
30 9020 3.35% 4865 3.53% 8890 3.35% 99 3.13% 68 4.10% 882550 4.60%
31 8701 3.23% 4265 3.09% 8633 3.25% 97 3.07% 61 3.68% 466915 2.44%

Hourly usage for January 2024

Hourly Statistics for January 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 378 11739 4.36% 182 5660 4.11% 372 11546 4.35% 20801 644828 3.36%
1 361 11191 4.16% 182 5658 4.11% 356 11056 4.16% 21262 659108 3.44%
2 350 10879 4.04% 178 5548 4.03% 348 10804 4.07% 17738 549872 2.87%
3 361 11208 4.16% 181 5621 4.08% 354 10978 4.14% 36498 1131437 5.90%
4 371 11531 4.28% 182 5671 4.12% 368 11433 4.31% 19148 593574 3.10%
5 348 10799 4.01% 178 5524 4.01% 344 10666 4.02% 25673 795873 4.15%
6 350 10871 4.04% 186 5767 4.18% 338 10486 3.95% 43991 1363720 7.12%
7 348 10801 4.01% 182 5651 4.10% 340 10546 3.97% 41585 1289143 6.73%
8 370 11489 4.27% 188 5833 4.23% 359 11151 4.20% 48227 1495043 7.80%
9 382 11863 4.41% 183 5698 4.13% 376 11667 4.40% 29624 918339 4.79%
10 343 10661 3.96% 183 5694 4.13% 337 10477 3.95% 25345 785688 4.10%
11 357 11067 4.11% 184 5707 4.14% 352 10934 4.12% 20211 626531 3.27%
12 343 10639 3.95% 184 5713 4.15% 339 10529 3.97% 19998 619950 3.23%
13 338 10483 3.89% 185 5747 4.17% 333 10330 3.89% 20827 645642 3.37%
14 353 10946 4.07% 186 5781 4.19% 348 10797 4.07% 28748 891200 4.65%
15 394 12215 4.54% 187 5822 4.22% 391 12141 4.57% 19813 614207 3.20%
16 329 10199 3.79% 190 5892 4.28% 325 10089 3.80% 19851 615392 3.21%
17 345 10714 3.98% 188 5836 4.23% 342 10603 3.99% 20276 628560 3.28%
18 357 11095 4.12% 187 5819 4.22% 355 11009 4.15% 21460 665269 3.47%
19 358 11111 4.13% 187 5806 4.21% 356 11038 4.16% 19999 619973 3.23%
20 362 11237 4.17% 186 5794 4.20% 359 11137 4.20% 20736 642810 3.35%
21 400 12419 4.61% 190 5904 4.28% 397 12316 4.64% 21669 671733 3.50%
22 380 11795 4.38% 187 5818 4.22% 377 11698 4.41% 20440 633625 3.31%
23 395 12260 4.55% 188 5847 4.24% 387 12024 4.53% 34350 1064864 5.56%

Top 30 of 596 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 77192 28.67% 7207859 37.61% /stats/usage_202401.html
2 28865 10.72% 2972729 15.51% /stats/usage_202309.html
3 12848 4.77% 1374366 7.17% /stats/usage_202308.html
4 10034 3.73% 23393 0.12% /
5 5682 2.11% 584321 3.05% /stats/usage_202312.html
6 300 0.11% 32133 0.17% /stats/usage_202304.html
7 296 0.11% 30830 0.16% /stats/usage_202310.html
8 93 0.03% 119 0.00% /css/
9 35 0.01% 196095 1.02% /Napo/2/15 Bésame Mucho.m4a
10 32 0.01% 317 0.00% /stats/
11 31 0.01% 178074 0.93% /Napo/2/10 Por Tí.m4a
12 31 0.01% 164411 0.86% /Napo/22/06 Moliendo Café.m4a
13 30 0.01% 212504 1.11% /Napo/1/08 Grítenme Piedras Del Campo.m4a
14 30 0.01% 148327 0.77% /Napo/1/13 Yo No Me Cansaré.m4a
15 30 0.01% 146656 0.77% /Napo/22/04 Entre Sueños.m4a
16 30 0.01% 225813 1.18% /Napo/22/08 Tu compañia.m4a
17 30 0.01% 132864 0.69% /Napo/6/08 Mía.m4a
18 30 0.01% 158 0.00% /largestsmallest.html
19 29 0.01% 374 0.00% /Napo/
20 29 0.01% 199 0.00% /bedouin/
21 28 0.01% 159727 0.83% /Napo/1/06 Piensa En Mí.m4a
22 28 0.01% 191004 1.00% /Napo/19/08 Óyeme mamá.m4a
23 28 0.01% 162460 0.85% /Napo/2/13 Quien Será.m4a
24 28 0.01% 264192 1.38% /Napo/5/07 No Volveré.m4a
25 27 0.01% 189433 0.99% /Napo/1/09 Miénteme Mas.m4a
26 27 0.01% 202174 1.05% /Napo/10/02 Bésame mucho.m4a
27 27 0.01% 196181 1.02% /Napo/19/09 Mi Último Fracaso.m4a
28 27 0.01% 272381 1.42% /Napo/20/01 Adiós mi chaparrita.m4a
29 27 0.01% 254697 1.33% /Napo/20/02 El último trago.m4a
30 25 0.01% 190845 1.00% /Napo/19/03 Puro Corazón.m4a

Top 10 of 596 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 77192 28.67% 7207859 37.61% /stats/usage_202401.html
2 28865 10.72% 2972729 15.51% /stats/usage_202309.html
3 12848 4.77% 1374366 7.17% /stats/usage_202308.html
4 5682 2.11% 584321 3.05% /stats/usage_202312.html
5 27 0.01% 272381 1.42% /Napo/20/01 Adiós mi chaparrita.m4a
6 28 0.01% 264192 1.38% /Napo/5/07 No Volveré.m4a
7 27 0.01% 254697 1.33% /Napo/20/02 El último trago.m4a
8 30 0.01% 225813 1.18% /Napo/22/08 Tu compañia.m4a
9 30 0.01% 212504 1.11% /Napo/1/08 Grítenme Piedras Del Campo.m4a
10 24 0.01% 211308 1.10% /Napo/19/01 Morenita mía.m4a

Top 10 of 149 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 32 0.01% 1062 35.34% /stats/
2 10034 3.73% 474 15.77% /
3 300 0.11% 412 13.71% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 77192 28.67% 198 6.59% /stats/usage_202401.html
5 93 0.03% 63 2.10% /css/
6 5682 2.11% 30 1.00% /stats/usage_202312.html
7 12848 4.77% 22 0.73% /stats/usage_202308.html
8 29 0.01% 21 0.70% /Napo/
9 20 0.01% 19 0.63% /.well-known/acme-challenge/
10 18 0.01% 17 0.57% /.well-known/

Top 10 of 149 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 32 0.01% 1069 34.84% /stats/
2 10034 3.73% 458 14.93% /
3 300 0.11% 412 13.43% /stats/usage_202304.html
4 77192 28.67% 197 6.42% /stats/usage_202401.html
5 93 0.03% 65 2.12% /css/
6 5682 2.11% 29 0.95% /stats/usage_202312.html
7 12848 4.77% 21 0.68% /stats/usage_202308.html
8 20 0.01% 19 0.62% /.well-known/acme-challenge/
9 29 0.01% 19 0.62% /Napo/
10 29 0.01% 19 0.62% /bedouin/

Top 30 of 1658 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 100260 37.24% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 380 12.03% 2a01:4f8:211:2714::2
2 28848 10.72% 28848 20.93% 2970978 15.50% 1 0.03%
3 22012 8.18% 22012 15.97% 2120053 11.06% 3 0.09%
4 20739 7.70% 20739 15.05% 1059575 5.53% 2 0.06%
5 12915 4.80% 12915 9.37% 1187747 6.20% 2 0.06%
6 12869 4.78% 11852 8.60% 1115361 5.82% 16 0.51%
7 12604 4.68% 12604 9.15% 1173021 6.12% 5 0.16%
8 9945 3.69% 9945 7.22% 1063911 5.55% 4 0.13%
9 4090 1.52% 4090 2.97% 349704 1.82% 3 0.09%
10 2277 0.85% 2277 1.65% 231634 1.21% 60 1.90%
11 2239 0.83% 2239 1.62% 217557 1.14% 5 0.16%
12 1647 0.61% 1647 1.20% 176195 0.92% 2 0.06%
13 1221 0.45% 1221 0.89% 130622 0.68% 1 0.03%
14 1189 0.44% 1189 0.86% 122274 0.64% 2 0.06%
15 1094 0.41% 1094 0.79% 103423 0.54% 40 1.27%
16 994 0.37% 994 0.72% 96956 0.51% 28 0.89%
17 919 0.34% 0 0.00% 195 0.00% 32 1.01%
18 880 0.33% 0 0.00% 186 0.00% 44 1.39%
19 840 0.31% 0 0.00% 178 0.00% 117 3.70%
20 819 0.30% 0 0.00% 174 0.00% 32 1.01%
21 805 0.30% 0 0.00% 171 0.00% 11 0.35%
22 753 0.28% 0 0.00% 160 0.00% 9 0.28%
23 692 0.26% 0 0.00% 147 0.00% 2 0.06%
24 687 0.26% 0 0.00% 146 0.00% 14 0.44%
25 674 0.25% 0 0.00% 143 0.00% 19 0.60%
26 662 0.25% 0 0.00% 140 0.00% 13 0.41%
27 591 0.22% 0 0.00% 125 0.00% 29 0.92%
28 574 0.21% 0 0.00% 122 0.00% 22 0.70%
29 571 0.21% 0 0.00% 121 0.00% 6 0.19%
30 570 0.21% 570 0.41% 60314 0.31% 1 0.03% 65-109-97-126.ptr

Top 10 of 1658 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 28848 10.72% 28848 20.93% 2970978 15.50% 1 0.03%
2 22012 8.18% 22012 15.97% 2120053 11.06% 3 0.09%
3 12915 4.80% 12915 9.37% 1187747 6.20% 2 0.06%
4 12604 4.68% 12604 9.15% 1173021 6.12% 5 0.16%
5 12869 4.78% 11852 8.60% 1115361 5.82% 16 0.51%
6 9945 3.69% 9945 7.22% 1063911 5.55% 4 0.13%
7 20739 7.70% 20739 15.05% 1059575 5.53% 2 0.06%
8 131 0.05% 74 0.05% 517801 2.70% 1 0.03%
9 123 0.05% 70 0.05% 495762 2.59% 1 0.03%
10 123 0.05% 71 0.05% 494978 2.58% 1 0.03%

Usage by Country for January 2024

Top 19 of 19 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 217944 80.96% 103461 75.07% 10540722 55.00% Unresolved/Unknown
2 31759 11.80% 31750 23.04% 3280390 17.12% Russian Federation
3 14430 5.36% 1569 1.14% 2304898 12.03% Commercial (com)
4 4692 1.74% 903 0.66% 2497710 13.03% Network (net)
5 189 0.07% 84 0.06% 530012 2.77% Germany
6 98 0.04% 17 0.01% 50 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
7 67 0.02% 17 0.01% 12572 0.07% European Union
8 11 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.00% Canada
9 5 0.00% 3 0.00% 7 0.00% United States
10 4 0.00% 2 0.00% 5 0.00% China
11 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Spain
12 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Indonesia
13 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Italy
14 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% Japan
15 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 2 0.00% Generic Business (biz)
16 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Belarus
17 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% India
18 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Poland
19 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 2 0.00% United Kingdom

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23